Requirements & Reminders
Official State Roster is required
Travel Permit Form – State specific permission to travel forms are required from non-MO teams; many midwest states utilize www.thetournamentcenter.com to facilitate their travel permits.
Guest Player Permit Form – Out of state teams use their state form please visit your state association website for specific instructions. This form requires only one signature – preferred method!
Player Cards / Medical Forms — DO NOT scan/email player cards or medical forms. Medical release forms from your home state are required to be in your possession at tournament.
All check-in required documents must be received by the tournament committee through your GotSport account
We have included below, the steps for uploading all necessary docs into Gotsoccer. It only takes a few minutes. There is NO ONSITE CHECK-IN. Do not email these items to us. Upload to your team’s GotSport account only. Thank you.
Local Teams Will Need to Upload:
-Official State Issued Roster
-Signed Guest Player Forms (If Applicable)
Out of State Teams Will Need to Upload:
-Official State Issued Roster
-Approved Travel Permit From Your State Association (US Club Teams Exempt)
-Signed Guest Player Forms (If Applicable) (Link Below)
ALL Teams Will Need to Have With Them:
-Laminated 2023/24 Player and Coach Cards. Guest Player Cards Also Needed (Presented to Referee Before Each Game)
-Player Medical Release Forms Kept with Coach or Manager in the Event of Emergency (Link Below)
Guest Player Form Link:
In addition to submitting this guest player form, you will need write all guest players in on your official roster prior to submitting it via GotSport
Steps for Downloading Your Roster From GotSport:
1. Go to your GotSport Coach/Manager account.
2. Click the "Team Management" tab at the top of your page, and click into your team.
3. Click the "Rosters" button at the top of your screen.
4. In the drop down menu titled "Select Event Roster" select the "2023/24 Competitive Player Registration" (your club/state association may call it something slightly different) and click the blue/green "Search" button.
5. Scroll down and you will see a blue "Documents and IDs" tab. Click it and you will now see a blue button titled "Roster PDF". Click it and your state roster PDF will open.
6. Download this State Roster to your computer. IF you need to add guest players, print this PDF, handwrite in the guest player information, then scan this to your computer.
Steps for Uploading Your Documents to the Tournament in Gotsport:
- Log in to GotSport and your coach/manager account and click on the "Team Management" button.
- Click on the name of the team you have registered for the tournament.
- Open the "Team Registrations" tab
- Click on the name of the event that you are working to Upload Documents to.
- Open the "Registration" tab
- Next click on the "Edit" button
From here you will be able to make adjustments to your original registration. Changing your Friday night game availability, updating coaching conflicts or bracket requests, etc. You will also be able to upload your roster and other necessary documents.
- Upload the required files for your USYS team or US Club team (See below). You will be able to click on the "choose file" button and upload accordingly
- Once this is complete, our Tournament staff will be able to view your documents for the online check in process.
Click on this GotSport link with illustrations on how to upload documents if you need further assistance: How to upload documents for online check in
As documents are received and reviewed by our staff we will mark your registrations as 'COMPLETE' in the GotSport system.
If unable to access any of the above items in GotSport you will need to contact your club admin or registrar. We do not have access to your accounts. Some teams may not yet have all their players registered. These players will not show up on your roster if your admin/registrar has not yet added them to your team.
Steps for Cloning / Building Your Roster in Gotsport for Proper Roster Listing on Match Cards and Communications Received Through Gotsport
If you are a club admin, please follow the steps listed in this link to properly clone or create a roster for the teams participating in this event from your organization.
Club Admin Gotsport Roster Link
- Scroll down to the middle of the page where you will find HOW TO BUILD ROSTER.
- Start at Step 6 and follow through the end of step 8. (You do not need to complete steps 1-5 as these pertain only to getting your team registered for the tournament, which has already been done). We encourage you to use the 'clone roster' function as most teams by this time will have a state roster, other tournament roster, or Slysa roster to choose from, which can be used for this event.
If you are a Coach or Manager please click this link to be directed to Gotsport's instructions for cloning your roster into this event. Please note that if Gotsport will not allow you to do this for your team, it is likely that your Club Admin has this function turned off. You'll have to contact your club admin and have them unlock this feature in order to proceed.
Coach / Manager Roster Cloning Link
If you have any questions please email us at TOURNAMENTS@LOUFUSZATHLETIC.COM
USYSA Requirements (MYSA, IYSA, etc.)
• State Roster
• Travel Permit – If traveling from outside of Missouri.
• Guest Player Forms (if using guest players)
US Club Requirements
• State Roster
• Guest Player Forms (if using guest players)
• Travel Permit & Guest Player Forms can be found on your state association website.
• DO NOT scan/email player cards or medical forms