Updated November 13, 2020
LFA Families,
As the winter season approaches and more COVID-19 cases emerge in St. Louis, we have updated our safety guidelines for those experiencing COVID-19 as a close contact, having symptoms, or contracting the virus. A "Close Contact" is someone who is within 6FT of you for longer than 15 minutes. We appreciate your continued support as we navigate through this while trying to maintain some semblance of our usual club experience.
What should I do...
if I (the player) am in Close Contact with someone who is symptomatic but tests Negative with no know exposure?
The player can come to practice / facilities as long as they themself are not having symptoms. Self-monitor for signs of COVID-19 and continue proper hygiene, Social distancing, and wearing masks.
if I (the player) develop symptoms of COVID-19?
The player should stay home and isolate until receiving a Negative COVID-19 test.
if I (the player) test Positive for COVID-19?
The player must stay home and isolate for a minimum of 14 days from the start of symptoms or the date the COVID-19 test was collected. You cannot return until evaluated & cleared by your healthcare provider.
if my immediate family member is a Close Contact with someone who has COVID-19 BUT my family member is Asymptomatic or tests Negative for COVID-19?
The player can come to practice / facilities as long as they themself are not having symptoms. Self-monitor for signs of COVID-19 and continue proper hygiene, Social distancing, and wearing masks.
if my immediate family member develops symptoms of COVID-19 and/or is awaiting results of a COVID-19 test?
The player should stay home and quarantine until the results of the test are received and the appropriate protocols following the test results are given to the family member.
if my immediate family member tests Positive for COVID-19?
The player should stay home and quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure with the sick family member. If the player can not quarantine away from the family member then the 14-day period starts 10 days after the start of the family members positive test was received. We recommend the player wait to be tested 5 to 7 days after their last exposure to that person. If the player then also tests Positive for COVID-19, follow the player instructions above.
if my teammate is symptomatic or tests Positive for COVID-19 BUT HAS NOT been in Close Contact with me (the player) since developing symptoms?
The player (me) can come to practice / facilities as long as they themself are not having symptoms. Self-monitor for signs of COVID-19 and continue proper hygiene, Social distancing, and wearing masks.
if my teammate is symptomatic or tests Positive for COVID-19 AND HAS been in Close Contact with me (the player) since developing symptoms?
The player (me) should stay home and quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure to the teammate that tested Positive for COIVD-19. We recommend the player wait to be tested 5 to 7 days after their last exposure to that person. If the player then also tests Positive for COVID-19, follow the player instructions above.
Where should I go...
For access to the indoor field house at LFA Training Center during practices/camps/training, please pickup/dropoff your players at the indoor field entrance (front left corner of the building). Parents/ Guardians will be asked to wait in their cars during the winter season practices for everyone's safety.
For access to the 92 Room at LFA Training Center, please walk around to the right of the building toward the outdoor fields and rear lobby entrance. You will enter the rear lobby and the 92 Room will be the first door on your right. You will exit out of the 92 Room in which you can walk back along the path to the front of the building/parking lot. One parent/guardian allowed.
For access at Lou Fusz Soccer Complex, please see previous update below.
Events & Games:
For access to the indoor field house at Lou Fusz Athletic Training Center during tournaments/leagues, there will be one parent/guardian allowed per player on the field. You both will enter through the main lobby (between the 2 flags) where you will be required to have a mask and screening for COVID-19 symptoms. After you are cleared there will be a waiting area of 50 people directly to the right in the Auditorium. When instructed, you will leave the auditorium and go down the hall towards the indoor fields, past the restrooms if needed. You will then enter the indoor fields if they are cleared or proceed to the basketball court as a secondary waiting area until fields are ready for the next round of games. Upon entry to the field house, players are instructed to go to the left to the team benches while spectators are instructed to proceed to the right. Please refer to the map for more details, but all spectators should remain in a single file at least 6 ft apart at their designated field on the sidelines.
Please remember to self screen your players for any signs/symptoms and consult your healthcare provider if you are unsure about anything. Always remember to follow COVID-19 guidelines and requirements such as social distancing, wearing a mask, and proper hand washing.
Updated August 10, 2020
LFA members and families,
We are very excited to host the players as we welcome them back out to sports! Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times, but know this is only a moment in time and we will get through it! We rely on your cooperation in making sure this is the safest environment possible. When arriving, please respect all social distancing guidelines while at the facility, upon entry / exit / and drop off. Please refer to the maps for specific field drop offs. Per St. Louis County Guidelines for Phases of Re-Entry, all adults to wear face coverings while at Lou Fusz Athletic facilities for the safety of all patrons. Below are specifics about how we will operate during programming based on recommendations from the CDC and Health Task Force.
• Waiver must be completed before attendance
• Your child will be placed in a group, with a specific designated area of the field
• Please refer to the facility / field maps with designated training space
• Each field has a parent drop off area that parents may accompany their child from the car to for specific fields
• Our facility is cleaned twice daily
• All of our coaches will wear face coverings before / during / after sessions
• Social distancing while on premises is mandatory and spectators should wear face coverings
• No sharing of water bottles before / during / after
• Please bring a ball with you
• Please bring water bottle with you
• No handshakes!
• Social distancing per players & coaches is encouraged before and after training.
• Groups not to be larger than 20.
If you think that your child is immunocompromised, please check with your child’s healthcare provider (Physician (MD/DO), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Physician Assistant (PA)) before returning them to sports.
Parents - we rely on you to help assess your child prior to arrival. Please ask these questions of yourself, and them, before you make the decision to come to the facility. If any of the answers are yes, please stay home. Today or in the past 24 hours have you had any of the following symptoms:
• Fever (temperature greater than 100.4 for children and greater than 100 for adults)
• New or worsening cough
• Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
• Sore throat, different than your seasonal allergies
• New loss of smell and/or taste
• Diarrhea or vomiting
• Do you have a household or close contact who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks?
Sports are an incredibly valuable exercise for the physical and mental well being of our community. We will continue to take precautionary measures and utilize our resources to set up the best environment possible to get through this together. Thank you for the cooperation and consideration for our youth!
Updated September 16, 2020
LFA Families –
St. Louis County has updated their policies and procedures regarding returning to play, and some progress has been made. We want to thank you for your understanding and commitment as we work through this together! Games will be hosted at our complex beginning this weekend, and we must continue our good work to stay trending in the right direction!
- All ages of teams are allowed to train with no restrictions on number of players or limitations to specific type.
- Highschool age teams are allowed scrimmages within the club.
- Sanctioned games are allowed in StL County for teams U14 and below
- ONLY 1 parent / guardian / spectator allowed to be on site at any time, mandatory social distancing and a facial covering present at all times
In addition to parents, ALL players are asked to wear a mask on their way to the field, and returning to their cars to depart.